Tips on Designing a Logo

What should you consider before designing a logo for your brand or business?

When designing a logo for your business, several key factors must be considered to ensure that the logo effectively represents your brand and appeals to your target audience. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you either create your own logo or instruct a professional designer to produce your brand mark:

Your brand values and ethos:

Your logo should reflect the values and ethos of your company or brand. It should communicate what you stand for and what your business aims to achieve.

Your target audience:

Consider your target audience when designing your logo. What appeals to them? What colours and styles do they respond to? Make sure that your logo appeals to the people you want to attract. It’s important to do some level of market research before starting to design your logo.


A good logo should be timeless, not tied to a trend or fad that may quickly go out of style. Instead, think about longevity and research existing brands that have stood the test of time. 


Your logo should be versatile and work well across different outputs, such as on your website, on business cards, and on marketing materials. Many brands today opt for multiple versions of their logo; this allows them to select the best logo for a specific output rather than trying to make one logo fit all applications.


Simple logos are often the most effective and memorable. Consider a design that is easy to read and recognize, even when reduced to a small size.


Your logo should be unique and distinguishable from others in your industry. Avoid copying or closely resembling other logos. Instead, think about how you can be different and stand out from the pack within your industry.


Ensure your logo is legible and easily readable, even when displayed in smaller sizes. For example, you may find a playful display font you love, but will it work in different scales?


The imagery and typography used in your logo should be relevant to your brand and industry. There’s no point in having a fun and energetic typeface if you’re trying to convey a serious business. Think about the letterforms, a serif font will appear more grown up and serious, while a geometric sans-serif font could bring lightness and youth to your brand.  


Colour plays a significant role in the impact of a logo. Choose colours that represent your brand and resonate with your target audience. Again, do some research and look at other companies within your sector. What colours do they use, and why do they use them?

Considering these factors, you can design a logo that accurately reflects your brand and effectively communicates your message to your target audience. Or better still, employ a graphic designer **cough, cough** Move Design **cough, cough** who can do it all for you.

Whether you’re launching a start-up or you would like to refresh your logo for your current business, say hello, we are always here to offer advice and help companies grow.